I'm not an expert on credit cards, but I have learned a few things in the past couple of years that I think are really important. First of all, how often do we hear the words "credit score"? Like every single day, right? Society seems to think that having a credit score is one of the single most important things an adult can have, or maybe even that it makes you an adult. Lets blow away the smoke shall we?
First of all, nobody needs a credit score. Ever.
You often see or hear commercials that say things like "low credit score? no credit score? no problem!" Its important to clarify here that a LOW credit score and NO credit score are NOT the same thing. Car dealers and pay day loan sharks and such want you to think they are, but they are not.
A credit score keeps track of your ability to borrow money. Thats it. So if you have a high credit score it means you are good at borrowing money. If you have a low credit score it means you bad at borrowing money (make late payments, default on loans, etc). If you have NO credit score, it means you don't borrow money. I have already established that borrowing money is not the way to go, so not having a credit score is actually a good thing! Really! It means that you pay for things with money you actually have.
But you are all thinking, wait! What if I want to buy a car?! What if I want to buy a house?! I need a credit score. No. You don't. Unless, you want to borrow money in order to buy that car or house (although houses are a little different and I will address that below). See, that's the problem most everyone in this country is facing. We are told we need to borrow money so that we can get a credit score so that we can borrow more money so we can buy things we can't afford. (No, we can't afford them. Remember, if we could afford them, we wouldn't need to borrow money in the first place).
So, what is the solution? Well, if you never get a credit card and never take out a loan you will never have a credit score. Which means you wont be able to buy a car you can't afford, so you will either have to save up until you can pay cash for that really nice dream car, or you will have to buy an old beater until you can get something better. As for a house, well it would still be best to save up and pay cash for a house too. But, if that isn't realistic (as it probably isn't for most people) you do have another option. Thanks to Dave Ramsey (of course) I now know how to get a mortgage without a credit score. It's called manual underwriting. It's what people used to do before credit scores became the norm. Yes, you still have to have a good down payment, a job, and proof that you have been in good standing with your bills (such as rent, electric, water, etc), but hopefully that would be the case anyway. My understanding is that not all lenders know how to do this anymore, so you may have to look around a bit, but now you don't have to go take out some loan just so you can get a loan...
Isn't it freeing knowing that you don't need a credit score? It sure is for me.