About this Blog

It seem that for many homemaking has become a lost art. It sounds too old-fashioned to some, and like too much work to others. More and more women have chosen to work outside the home, or are forced to do so due to unplanned circumstances.

On the other hand, some homemakers become overwhelmed when they see the surplus of "perfect party ideas" on Pinterest or another DIY project that "you have to try!" Not everyone is gifted with crafty fingers, or the time, to do yet another project and may feel that they can't be a good homemaker after all.

Most women my age were encouraged from birth to go to college, get an education, and get a good job, and may not feel that they are justified in "just staying home" even if they are able and willing to do so. Some may not have had a role model to teach them how to run their household and feel more comfortable working outside the home and leaving the homemaking to someone else.

I believe that homemaking is still essential in today's world and that all women, no matter their upbringing or current situation, can be homemakers. It doesn't have to be complicated.

About Me

I was blessed to grow up in a wonderful family. My dad worked hard to provide for us and my mom stayed home to take care of me and my brothers and make our house a home.

I realized at a young age, due in great part to the example of my mom and other wonderful women, that homemaking is important.  It is more than just cooking meals and folding clothes. Women have a natural ability to make things beautiful, especially in the home. All of those day-to-day tasks that so often go unappreciated do matter because they contribute to the creation of homes where marriages can thrive and children can learn and grow.

While I did choose to pursue and obtain a college degree, spend significant time traveling abroad, and work in various jobs before and after marriage, I have found homemaking to be the most rewarding career of all. This is a blog about finding joy in the little things, in the everyday homemaking.

Picture Disclaimer

I've never been great at taking pictures, and I don't expect that to change much for this blog. I am pretty old-fashioned, and don't even know how to work my phone half the time, so I prefer to just live life in the moment, rather than trying to take snap shots of everything I do so that I can post it on the blog later. To me, that is not real life, that is staged life. I will share pictures when I can, especially if I am doing a "How To" post but besides that you may not see a lot (or you may just see some stock photos). The lack of pictures may make this blog a little wordy for some, but hopefully you will understand my reasons and still enjoy the blog for what it is. 

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