Monday, October 13, 2014

Weekly Tip: Utilize the Library

I love books. I love to hold them and smell them, and most of all read them. It's no wonder then, that I also love the library. Public libraries are a great way to not only find fun books for you and your kids, but a great way to learn. I have a bachelor's degree, but I have never felt that my education should end with a college degree, and since I can't go back to school at this time, I try to continue learning in other ways.

It's true that we can find information on just about anything online these days, but often that information is incomplete or perhaps not accurate since just about anyone can publish anything on the internet. Articles and blogs (including my own) usually only tell half the story, so while the internet is a great starting point, I think too many people have forgotten how useful real books can be.

I read a lot of fiction, but I probably use the library most for non-fiction books. I have checked out books on parenting, homemaking, psychology, biographies, and maybe a little bit of everything else. I feel that the more I can learn, the better mother and homemaker I will be. Need help disciplining your toddler? There's a book for that (actually, lots). Want to learn to organize your living room? Books on that too. Love Downton Abbey and want to learn more about the 1900s? Yay! Books for that. The only problem? Checking out too many to read at once.

Here is a list of the books I currently have checked out:

Radical Homemakers by Shannon Hayes
Simplify Your Space by Marcia Ramsland
The Anger Solution by John Lee
The Thoreau You Don't Know by Robert Sullivan
Walden by Henry David Thoreau

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