Friday, February 6, 2015

Resolution Review: January

Now that January is already over(!) I thought I would review my goals for 2015 and write about what I want to continue to do or change in February.

More detailed information about each of goals can be read here. Now to review my progress (get ready, it's a little long):

Exercise at least once a week. This was a big fail. I did "8-minute abs" one time and that is it! I just never felt motivated in the evening to go to the gym. I was usually tired after a long day with Luke and felt like I would much rather be home hanging out with Phil. I could have done some more ab workouts I guess, but I usually just forgot.
Working out is hard for me. It has always been hard for me to stay motivated on my own. If I had a friend to go with me I know I would be much better, but its hard to find someone else who wants to do the same things and has the same schedule. The only time I feel like I was really dedicated was after Luke was born and I wanted to lose the baby weight. I walked every day and did ab and weight training every night and I loved it. But, after we moved to Utah, I got out of my routine, and then the weather starting cooling down, and now I never work out at all. I know I should, but its hard to find the time with the little guy.
With all that being said, I have decided to try to adjust/add to my goal and instead of focusing on traditional work outs, which I never maintain, I am going to try to walk more again because that is something that I actually enjoy and can do during the day with Luke instead of having to try to find time to go to the gym. That works out well because I am adding another goal to my list which is to drive less (see below).

Eat less sugar. This is a goal that I thought I would really struggle with from the start, but has actually gone much better than I expected. My plan was to slowly cut back on sugar by skipping sweets for two days a week, then up to three, then four, then five. Knowing that I wasn't cutting sugar out completely I think really helped. I chose to skip sugar on Tuesdays and Thursdays and I was able to stick to it without too much trouble. I did have cravings some nights, but just reminded myself, "I can have a sweet tomorrow" and then was able to forget about it. February will still be two days of no sweets and then in March I will go to three.

Eat more fruits and vegetables. First of all, thank goodness Sprouts moved in just down the street from us because that has really helped me to stick to this goal. I am the worst at eating enough fruit and veggies, and even though I cook dinner every night, I often forget a side dish. I was determined to be better so I started buying salad every week as well as all kinds of fruit and vegetables that I could snack on during the day.
I don't like eating salad. It's not that I don't like the taste, but I don't like how much work it is to add other veggies to it, and then to try to get those darn leaves on your fork. But, it really was the easiest way to get a serving of vegetables every night with dinner, plus Phil loves salad. And, surprisingly, after several weeks of eating it almost every night, I am starting to like it too.

Keep a one sentence journal. Fail. Big fail. I wrote in my journal one time. I'm not sure what I need to do to make this happen. I still want to do it, but I forgot a lot, and when I did remember I was kind of just too lazy to actually do it. I'll try again this month.

Write a novel in 30 days. Since this is just a one month goal, and I haven't chosen my month to accomplish it yet, I can't say much about it, except that I am still excited to make it happen, and still determining which month will be best. (I'm leaning toward March or June right now).

Drive less. As noted above, this is a new goal that I added in the middle of January. When Luke was smaller I used to divide up my errands and do one or two of them each day of the week, just to give me a reason to get out of the house. I didn't always like driving somewhere everyday, but it helped me from feeling crazy being inside with a baby all day long. Now that Luke is bigger, he can play more and doesn't need the same kind of attention (although he still needs a lot). He loves to go for walks, and go to the playground, and go to story time at the library.  I have decided to stop driving as much and to walk instead (if its reasonably possible to do so) so that Luke can enjoy some time outside and I can get a little exercise. The weather has been extremely nice for January in Utah and so we have been able to walk and play outside a lot more than I expected we would this time of year.
Not driving as much has also helped me to avoid impulse buys, save money on gas, and stop wasting time at stores that I don't really need to be at. I can spend more time doing things at home (like sewing!) and enjoying the times I do go out more.

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